The Benefits of Back Massage

benefits of back massage

The Benefits of Back Massage

As you receive a full-body or back massage, the muscles of your body relax and your heart rate slows down, leading to lowered blood pressure and lowered levels of stress chemicals. Better postural habits, better posture and decreased muscle tension all result in less stress. In fact, if you have ever given a massage to yourself, you know that it relaxes you in ways that nothing else could. You also experience the greatest sense of well-being and improved immune function. A full or back massage also results in increased oxygen in the blood and increased blood flow throughout the body.

Many people receive massages on a regular basis, but they don’t realize the tremendous benefits that regular massages can have for your health. Massage has been shown to relieve pain, reduce stress levels, improve mood, improve circulation, lower blood pressure, improve flexibility and reduce tension in the muscles. If you are looking for a way to reduce or eliminate chronic pain, stiffness, inflammation and muscle spasms, getting a massage may be just what you need. Regular massages not only relieve pain, they can actually prevent injury by increasing joint flexibility and strength and helping you maintain a healthy posture.

The benefits of a back massage are not limited to muscle and joint pain relief. Regular massages have been shown to reduce lumbar pain, migraines, shoulder pain and menstrual pain. People who receive frequent massages to their shoulders, hips, elbows, shoulders, back, neck, knees, and ankles are less likely to develop disorders such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis in the spine. In addition, regular massages to the upper body can help reduce stress levels, anxiety, depression, tinnitus and other emotional disorders.