What Does a Massage Therapist Do?

A massage therapist is a person who performs therapeutic treatments using various techniques on the body. These techniques are often performed using the elbows, hands, and knees. They can be used to relieve pain, stress, and other problems that cause the body to ache. However, there are certain specific techniques that can be used by a massage therapist. These massages can be performed by a trained professional or by an amateur.

massage therapist

A massage therapist must have a strong background in anatomy and physiology, and have the knowledge to diagnose and treat physical problems. They must also be able to listen carefully and make appropriate decisions. If they are not licensed, they can work in a private home, health spa, or fitness center. Their education and training will also give them the tools to work with a diverse range of clients and in a variety of settings.

Massage therapists need to have strong physical and mental strength. They must also be able to interact with patients and choose the right treatment from among several options. Most employers will require a minimum number of hours of experience to qualify for licensing, and you can find a number of massage schools that offer this education. Most states also regulate the industry. The highest paying states for massage therapists are New York, California, and Alaska. They also require a certain amount of education to practice in the state.