New Regulations For Local Massage Therapists

local massage therapists

New Regulations For Local Massage Therapists

With the recent explosion of massage businesses in San Jose, new laws for licensing and regulation of local massage therapists are needed. These regulations will ensure that therapists are qualified to provide services to their clients and that they have completed 500 hours of massage training. In addition, the police department will be responsible for conducting ongoing inspections of local spas and massage establishments. The updated ordinance will also make it easier for the police department to conduct background checks on all applicants.

While it is easy to find a massage therapist online, you may find it more convenient to find a massage therapist in your area. Many massage apologists have websites, and you can use these to compare prices and experience. Depending on the type of service you need, you can also find an appointmetn in your local community. These websites will have information on their contact information, and you can even view their services and check them out.

The Berkshire Massage Studio offers chair, deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, and Swedish massage among other services. They’re located in the Clock Tower Business Park and also offer sports and pre-natal reflexology. The studio has been in business for three years and is run by two licensed massage therapists. Those who are looking for a relaxing massage should opt for Swedish massage. A good Swedish massage is essential for muscle pain, so choose one that’s gentle and pain-free.