The Scientific Benefits of Massage

While many people feel good after receiving a massage, there are some scientific benefits to this treatment. According to recent studies, physical manipulation of the soft tissues can reduce pain and increase circulation. It can also lower stress and anxiety levels. The effects of this therapy are based on the theory of gate control. In fact, a recent study conducted by Cedar-Sinai Medical Center found that a 45-minute Swedish massage reduced participants’ levels of the hormone serotonin by nearly 80%.

scientific benefits of massage

Although the benefits of massage are not yet understood by scientists, there are many ways to reduce pain. For example, it can help patients who are prone to insomnia. A massage can help relieve the suffering caused by chronic pain. The massage itself can also improve circulation. It can also reduce fatigue. In addition, a reduction in stress can have many psychological benefits, including improving sleep quality and relieving anxiety and depression. The scientific benefits of massage are countless.

Arginine vasopressin is one of the most studied substances in the body, and it is linked to high blood pressure. By stimulating the vagal and sympathetic nerves in the skin, it can reduce stress. A 45-minute massage could significantly lower the levels of arginine vasopressin. As mentioned, this massage increases immune system activity. This means that it can help fight off viruses and infections.