Important Things to Consider When Choosing a Massage Clinic

The Brawnergy massage clinic offers a personalized approach to health and wellness. The focus is on person-centered care, using a bio-psycho-social approach to pain management and stress reduction. The office atmosphere and therapeutic relationship with clients is designed to be as enjoyable and relaxing as possible. Here, you can expect the highest quality treatments and personalized attention. Read on to learn more. Below are some important things to consider when choosing a massage clinic.

massage clinic

Before undergoing any massage, you should be comfortable with a little discomfort. While it is normal for the body to feel some aches and pains, it is not necessary to be uncomfortable. If you have any specific concerns, communicate with your massage therapist. They will be sure to stay fully draped. The massage therapist will guide you through the whole process. It usually takes one to two hours. After that, you should feel more relaxed and confident.

If you have health issues, you should have your doctor’s clearance before you receive a massage. A doctor’s letter must be on official letterhead and state that there are no contraindications to receiving a massage therapy treatment. Additionally, if you are pregnant, you should bring the letter from your OB/GYN. If you are a regular client, you don’t need to obtain a new medical clearance.