Benefits of Touch Therapy Massage

touch therapy massage

Benefits of Touch Therapy Massage

If you suffer from aches and pains or chronic health problems, touch therapy massage can be an effective way to relieve them. This type of treatment helps you feel better inside and out. There are several benefits of touch therapy massage, and you can learn more about them from the following articles and blog posts. To book a session, call or send an email to a practitioner. They are available on most major social networking sites and are happy to discuss their services with you.

Many people find that touch can be a useful tool for improving their overall health and well-being. The sense of touch is integral to health, and it can be used to ease stress and anxiety. For example, one of the most effective techniques for relieving nervousness is the “Third Eye” point, the indentation between the nose and forehead. A therapist can press this point gently for 10 seconds to alleviate nervousness.

Trauma Touch Therapy is a type of massage that integrates the pieces of trauma and pain through the slow application of touch. The goal of this type of massage is to help the client take up residence in their own body and overcome the effects of trauma. The therapist guides the sessions by asking questions about the client’s somatic needs. It takes ten sessions to achieve complete healing. A therapist can perform this type of massage on a massage table, in a chair, or in any other position.