Medical Massage Therapy

medical massage therapy

Medical Massage Therapy

Medical Massage is a specific type of massage that is directed towards a medical diagnosis. It is also known as myofascial release, which means it is specific to the diagnosis. In medical massage, the therapist will use a variety of modalities to treat a patient’s condition. Generally, the therapist will focus on areas of the body that are associated with the diagnosis. This type of therapy is billed in 15-minute segments. It follows a reimbursement schedule that is similar to the reimbursement schedule of other professions.

A medical massage therapy program should be organized and quality-driven. The curriculum should be problem-centered and patient-centered. The underlying philosophy of the program should be to treat the patient and provide relief from the symptoms. The outline below is intended for preeminent institutes to use as a guideline. However, it can be implemented in stages. Moreover, it can be offered as a second-tier advanced program. For more information, see the links below.

Medical massage is becoming a very popular profession among people who have chronic pain. The treatment works by treating the underlying cause of pain, which is usually soft tissue injuries. Research has shown that 74% of chronic pain is related to trigger points. It also reduces the need for expensive drugs that can only temporarily alleviate pain. It is also a cost-effective method that can prevent chronic illnesses, reduce time off work, and reduce medication costs.