Massage Therapy For Sciatica

The best way to find the right massage therapy for sciatica is to look for a therapist who specializes in this condition. A therapist with experience working with people who have sciatica will be able to give you the kind of treatment you need. These massage sessions are ideal for chronic sciatica sufferers who want to improve their quality of life and get rid of their pain once and for all. They will be able to help you get back to your active lifestyle and start enjoying your daily activities again.

massage therapy for sciatica

There are several reasons why massage therapy for sciatica is beneficial. It can increase circulation and relieve pain. It can also release endorphins, which are internal opioid neuropeptides produced by the central nervous system and the pituitary gland. While exercise releases these hormones, massage helps the body release them through the skin. Ultimately, massage is one of the best treatments for sciatica because it reduces stress and promotes circulation.

When you first seek massage therapy for sciatica, you should first consult with a doctor. A massage therapist can provide you with recommendations for a licensed therapist. Your doctor will be able to tell you what type of massage is appropriate for your condition. Once you have received a medical recommendation, you can schedule a session with a therapist. Once you’ve found a qualified therapist, you should book your session.