Benefits of Physical Therapy Massage

A physical therapy massage is one of the most popular methods for treating a variety of conditions. This form of bodywork works to relax the muscles and promote better blood flow. It is especially beneficial for athletes who undergo rigorous training and are likely to experience muscle soreness and pain afterward. Regular therapeutic massage can help athletes recover quickly from a session and can also prevent injuries. It is also beneficial for those who have finished physical therapy. The benefits of massage extend to other body parts, too, including the back and neck.

physical therapy massage

Massage is a great way to reduce stress. It increases serotonin levels in the body, which may reduce pain and depression. In addition, it’s an excellent form of preventative care. It has a wide variety of benefits for everyone, including people who don’t have any specific condition. At ProActive Physical Therapy, we offer massage therapy as part of our comprehensive wellness program. A Licensed Massage Therapist performs the work at our office.

A physical therapy massage is a type of bodywork that is often used to treat injury, reduce stress, and improve posture. In addition to relieving pain, physical therapists use massage to help the body heal itself and avoid further injury. The process is highly effective for athletes. You can request a massage through your primary care physician or visit a physical therapist directly. However, if you are considering a physical therapy massage for your condition, be sure to speak with your primary care physician to make sure that you are getting the best service possible.