Deep Tissue Massage Therapy For Stiffness and Pain

deep tissue massage therapy

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy For Stiffness and Pain

What is deep tissue massage therapy? This kind of massage therapy is in essence where an experienced therapist applies sustained, deep pressure on the deepest layer of connective tissue and muscles throughout the body. By applying this kind of pressure, the therapist hopes to relieve tension in tight muscle groups and reduce inflammation throughout the body. Many people find that regular massage therapy alleviates pain, stress and a variety of other ailments in their lives. In fact, if you were asked what your biggest stressor was, almost surely it would be some sort of chronic health problem.

Some people believe that deep tissue massage therapy works so well because your muscles are so tightly tied together that they do not move freely when they are stretched. However, some believe that even though your muscles may not move as freely as they would normally, they do not really feel that restricted. When you have your muscles worked on and stretched by a massage therapist, they can then work with your body to help reduce stress throughout the body. This is why so many athletes choose to get this kind of massage therapy on a regular basis, as they know that it helps to prevent injury and promote healing.

In fact, if you are experiencing problems such as chronic pain, stiffness, inflammation or soreness, then this type of deep tissue massage therapy may be able to provide relief to you. If you have any of the above conditions, then you should consider trying it at least twice a week. In addition to reducing pain, this type of massage can also improve circulation and mobility to the area. This can also reduce discomfort and lessen stiffness. If you suffer from any of the above conditions, then it is important to find a qualified massage therapist who is experienced in providing deep tissue massage therapy to alleviate your discomfort.