How to Create a Membership Program at Simply Massage

simply massage

If you’ve been looking for a massage, you’ve likely found a number of options. Simply Massage, a women-owned company, has an excellent reputation for customer service and quality work. You can book a massage at Simply Massage on a variety of different days of the week and schedule an appointment to suit your schedule. They offer many different types of massage, including Swedish, deep tissue, aromatherapy, reflexology, and more.

Membership in Massage Therapy

A membership program is a great way to generate a predictable monthly income. Your clients will be able to book additional sessions at a discounted rate when they join your program. They will also enjoy member benefits, such as gift certificates, additional services, or retail products. Adding these benefits to your membership plan is a smart way to make your business grow. Here are some tips for creating a membership program:

A membership program offers members discounts on all treatments, as well as flexibility for scheduling and taking breaks. It also offers members no questions asked time off, a steady income, and access to sunlight. Memberships also give practitioners a better understanding of the split between practitioner earnings and overhead. This helps drive sustainability, and members are never forced to sit in the office when they aren’t scheduled. In short, membership programs are great for therapists who want to make a consistent income.

A monthly massage is a great way to improve energy levels, reduce stress levels, and boost the immune system. A membership at Simply Massage gives you unlimited access to their services and saves you money on additional treatments and retail. You can book an appointment whenever you want, and your membership will help you save money every month. With this membership, you’ll be able to use your savings on additional treatments and retail items, as well as gift cards for friends or family.

A monthly membership in Simply Massage will deposit almost four thousand dollars in your bank account each month. If you want to take advantage of the benefits of the membership program, you must set a reasonable price for each session. Simply Massage’s members can benefit from discounts on all treatments, including the pre-paid packages and holiday specials. You can even use your membership to advertise your business in newspapers. A $79 monthly membership will allow you to offer pre-paid massage sessions and holiday specials for new clients.


You can enjoy the benefits of massage with a simple visit to Simply Massage. The services are highly recommended, with benefits such as pain relief, reduced stress, improved mental clarity, and increased flexibility. You can enjoy Swedish massages, which combine oils and a variety of strokes to improve circulation and relaxation. Therapeutic massages, on the other hand, focus on relieving pain and pressure from a specific area. They are offered at competitive rates.


If you’ve been looking for an alternative way to relieve your aches and pains, reflexology might be the solution. This ancient massage therapy focuses on the feet, which have more than 700 points, allowing the therapist to target many different body parts. The reflexologist will begin your treatment by asking you a few questions about your overall health, diet, and lifestyle. Then, he or she will decide which reflexology points are most beneficial for your particular condition. The therapist will then work on the feet, hands, and ears, while you remain fully clothed. During your reflexology session, the therapist will use a warm blanket, and some may even use aromatherapy, if desired. The session lasts between thirty and sixty minutes, and you should be comfortable and alert.

Reflexology training may range from a one-day introduction to full certification. Although a one-day introduction is not enough to include reflexology in your massage practice, it can inform you about the basics and help you decide if further education is needed. Many certified reflexologists offer both massage and reflexology. Some may also offer aromatherapy or hydrotherapy. Reflexology-based practices are a safe and effective way to relieve tension, promote circulation, and address various system imbalances.

If you’d like to give yourself a reflexology massage, it’s easy to do at home. You can learn to perform a 5-minute reflexology massage by following the tips of a professional reflexologist. Reflexology is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety, and can be performed on your hands or feet, depending on your level of experience. In just five minutes, you’ll be amazed at how relaxing and rejuvenating reflexology can be.

Reflexology is a relaxing complementary therapy that uses pressure on specific areas of the body, such as the feet and ears. Like acupuncture, reflexology relies on the pressure points on the skin to connect the different parts of the body. The techniques of reflexology may also help you reduce your anxiety levels and boost your confidence. The overall benefits of reflexology can be felt throughout your body, and you may even find yourself able to concentrate better and do your job more effectively.


If you are considering using essential oils in your massage session, there are some important things to keep in mind. Although essential oils are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, they are considered cosmetics. That means you should never use them on an empty stomach or on anyone with known sensitivities. If you have any of these issues, you should seek a massage therapist‘s advice first. You may be allergic to a certain oil, so be sure to talk to your massage therapist about any potential risks before beginning the massage.

The benefits of aromatherapy massage go beyond just relaxation. By inhaling the fragrance of essential oils, your body will receive more therapeutic benefits from the massage than ever before. Several oils may be used to enhance the experience. Chamomile oil, for example, comes from daisy-like flowers and is used to treat skin irritation and inflammation. It is also known to promote relaxation and sleep. Eucalyptus oil, which is extracted from the leaves of the plant, is helpful for respiratory problems. The leaves of the plant can be consumed as a tea as well.

Aromatherapy massage is beneficial for many patients. It is said to help reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, and insomnia. This is because our sense of smell is directly connected to our emotions, and aromatherapy can help us to fall asleep more easily. Those who suffer from cancer may benefit from aromatherapy massage. In one study, cancer patients who received aromatherapy massage experienced decreased stress and anxiety. It also promotes better circulation in the body, which is important for overall health.

The therapists at Simply Massage are experienced in treating a variety of ailments, and they focus on providing a stress-melting spa experience. When a client arrives for their massage, the therapist will wait for them to be fully prepared before beginning the therapy, ensuring a full 60 or 90-minute session. The aestheticians at Simply Massage have a full complement of services, from customized facial peels to Angel Card Readings.