The Myofascial Release Technique – An Overview

The term “myofascial release” has been coined to explain a non-surgical technique which is being used more frequently these days to relieve pain and stiff necks in patients of all ages. Common symptoms which have been cited include pain, stiffness, soreness, weakness and numbness in the neck and shoulder region. People usually seek medical advice when the condition has progressed to a point at which medication will not be of any help. It is only after a diagnosis of neurological damage has been made that treatment can be initiated. This form of therapy was first discovered by Spinal Medicine Research in Denver, Colorado, USA in 1985 and has since then been recommended by many renowned physicians.

myofascial release Temecula

Myofascial release techniques actually fall into three categories. These include local muscle relaxation techniques, deep tissue massage techniques and trigger point therapy. All involve manipulation of the muscles surrounding the spine to allow release of tension and stress which are thought to contribute to the onset of pain. Myofascial release can also be achieved with the use of cold laser or ice packs applied to the affected area. However, it should be noted that this form of therapy is for those suffering extreme cases of pain, where pain killers will not have any effect.

Local muscle relaxation techniques are a very good way of dealing with mild to moderate pain and inflammation. They are relatively simple and can be easily performed at home. For instance, a simple set of pushups can be performed to immediately relax tight and swollen muscles. This technique is highly recommended for immediate relief of pain and has been found to be highly effective in cases where painkillers are ineffective. The technique can be continued for as long as required.

Deep tissue massage techniques are another very effective and popular form of myofascial release. As with the techniques applied by local muscle relaxation, these techniques can be performed right at home. As well as providing pain relief, they also improve the circulation around the body. This improves mobility and flexibility and can increase strength. It has been found that deep tissue massage is extremely effective in cases where other techniques have been unsuccessful, as well as being highly recommended for maintenance of healthy muscular functioning.

In addition to these common techniques for myofascial release, the most effective techniques tend to be those which deal with the whole body, rather than just one area. For example, if you suffer from chronic knee pain, the most effective approach will usually involve a combination of stretching, strengthening and myofascial release of tight muscles in the knees. However, it is worth remembering that all types of pain, whether it is back pain, sciatica or whiplash injury can be caused by a particular area of the body. Therefore, if you are looking to relieve pain in your lower back or buttocks, you will be best served by consulting a medical practitioner who deals specifically with pain and its causes.

The benefits of myofascial release techniques do not end with alleviation of pain. By improving your flexibility and range of motion, these techniques can also prevent a number of problems including knee or back pain. They can also help improve muscle balance and strengthen weak muscles.