What Is Massage Therapy?

massage therapeutic

A massage therapist will take into account the patient’s physical condition before beginning the session. They will ask questions about lifestyle, general health and stress levels, and the areas of pain the patient is experiencing. They will then structure the session around the patient’s desired health outcome. The patient will undress on a table with a sheet covering the area of the body to be massaged. The therapist will work methodically over the whole body and keep the patient comfortable.

Massage therapy can be used to relieve many health problems, including chronic pain and injuries. It has been used for thousands of years in China and is recorded as far back as the second century BCE. The therapist will use different techniques to address your specific pain issues. They may apply kneading, stroking, rocking, tapping, or holding pressure for a prolonged period. This is an excellent choice for reducing stress and increasing circulation.

The massage therapist will use a variety of techniques to target specific health concerns. Generally, the therapist will blend several techniques. They can also adjust the massage based on feedback from the client. If the client feels too much pain or has any other concerns during the session, it is important to voice them. It is also important to be specific about your lifestyle, your pain level, and your health goals to ensure that you receive the right treatment.