What is Neuromuscular Therapy? | Brain Facts #shorts

What is Temecula Neuromuscular Therapy?

neuromuscular therapy

The goal of Temecula neuromuscular therapy, also called neurotherapy, is to eliminate pain, tension and stress in the human body by utilizing specific hand-held techniques which keep contracted and elongated muscles throughout the whole body. Neuromuscular Therapy can usually be incorporated into a total body massage; but, many neuromuscular therapists also find that up to half of the time of the initial visit to their patient is spent on manual therapy alone and the other half on manual treatment alone. The goal is to provide a consistent pressure on the painful areas to reduce pain. The use of massage chairs or devices has also become an increasingly popular method of achieving neuromuscular therapy results. There are now several manufacturers of massage chairs who have added this particular function to their products.

The primary focus of massage chairs is to provide deep muscle stimulation which helps to break down scar tissue and tight knots and tight muscles which tightens and fatigues the back over time. Massage chairs allow therapists to work not only on the large muscle groups but also on smaller, more delicate ones such as those in the hands and feet. Therapists are trained to use the various techniques and methods they know for their specialty and apply them appropriately when working with patients.

One of the many benefits of neuromuscular therapy techniques is the increase in blood flow to the injured area. The increased blood flow helps to break down scar tissue and decrease inflammation. This results in an improved range of motion as well as an increased amount of strength in the muscles which is beneficial in any athletic program. Increased blood flow also helps to repair damage done to the nerves by the repetitive movements in sports.

When a patient has their own portable and easy-to-use massage chair, neuromuscular therapy makes it possible for them to get deep tissue massage on demand. With this type of therapy a therapist can use specific techniques to target specific areas or the whole body depending upon the injury or condition. This makes it possible to treat a wide variety of injuries and conditions including degenerative bone diseases, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, whiplash, tendonitis, bursitis, neck pain, and headaches to name a few. Many of these conditions require multiple visits over a long period of time to make significant improvements.

In addition to providing pain relief, massage chairs used by neuromuscular massage therapists in Temecula are also excellent for promoting a healthy immune system. By relieving muscle tension, the therapy also reduces the spasms that come with many illnesses including cancer, leukemia and even rheumatoid arthritis. Because of this the treatment is used to help patients recover from debilitating illnesses as well as those that are affecting the musculoskeletal system. The increased mobility provided through therapeutic massage can be life changing for those who experience chronic pain, mobility issues or other injuries that affect the quality of their lives.

There are many schools that offer neuromuscular therapy education and certification. It is important that you find one that is accredited and reputable because the skills learned can take you far. After completing an education and undergoing training you will be able to provide massage therapists with individuals who have neuromuscular therapy certification at the workplace. This certification can open doors that lead to better paying jobs and more opportunities in your field. You will also open new doors with friends and family who may need your services and ask about the benefits of massage therapy.