What is the Best Therapeutic Massage?

Many people want to know what is the best therapeutic massage for them. There are several types of these sessions, and some people might find one of them is more relaxing than another. But deciding which one is right for you is important. You need to know how to recognize the right one for you and how to communicate your preferences to the therapist. Listed below are the most common types of therapeutic massage: Deep Tissue, Swedish, Sports, and Deep Tissue.

best therapeutic massage

Shiatsu is the most intense type of massage, but a 90-minute session allows the therapist to gradually progress through the work. This is particularly effective when combined with trigger point work. After the massage, be sure to drink plenty of water and rest for a day. It’s best to take a day off. Afterward, your body will need some time to recover. Then, you’ll be ready to schedule another massage.

While the best therapeutic massage can be found at any spa, you should try to find a therapist who specializes in the type of massage you need. Make sure to ask your therapist about their credentials. You’ll need to explain exactly what you’re looking for. If a therapist doesn’t specialize in the area you’re seeking, they may refer you to a colleague who can help you. Then, your massage will be more relaxing and you’ll have less stress and headaches.