Why Should You Get a Massage?

do massages help

Why Should You Get a Massage?

Massages are a wonderful way to relieve stress and boost your mood. While this therapy is most often used to alleviate physical pain such as muscle aches and stiffness, many people find it beneficial for mental health issues. In particular, it has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression. Some women have even reported that it helped them cope with the symptoms of panic disorder. There are many reasons to get a massage, including enhancing your mood and reducing stress.

Research has shown that massages improve the circulation of the blood and lymph. This is most likely due to the physical manipulation of the soft tissues and the chemicals released during relaxation. Better circulation provides better oxygen and nutrients to the muscle cells. Besides improving the flow of blood, massages can also regulate the fight-or-flight response, which is elevated in patients with anxiety or panic disorders. A lack of fluids during a massage can also cause a certain level of pain, but this is only temporary.

Massages are an excellent way to combat the effects of poor posture. They help to stretch out the muscles confined by a desk and release tension from the week. They can also be effective in treating chronic pain. The muscles in the back can develop lactic acid from repeated stress. This build-up can contribute to a person’s weight gain. Another reason to get a massage is to alleviate stress. The body is a complex machine and a skilled massage therapist can target the problem areas in order to relieve pain.